Tips to organize your time best

Correctly organizing our own time is vital for whatever activity we develop, but it becomes even more critical when working autonomously.

Especially in the latter case, since we will not follow office hours to adapt to, and there will be no boss pointing out daily what issues to consider as priorities, and which are the ones to keep the focus on today.

When working freelance, it will be our responsibility to be efficient and to send the deliverables on time (something crucial if we are to provide professional services and build an outstanding reputation).

Defining working and rest time

One of the primary things to be determined is the time slot devoted to working. Your working hours’ sessions can be from 9 am till 6 pm, or they can be extended until midday, to retake work in the afternoon. Such a scheme will provide an orderly pace, not only regarding job tasks but also concerning feeding well and getting the necessary rest, both important to lead a healthy life.

Having these work slots set is useful even when we occasionally have to deal with something urgent (meaning, for example, working late into the night). We will have no choice but to do the work, but always being conscious that we are working outside the hours we have established initially. The next time we will have to reconsider timeframes or even hold a conversation with the client about the “extra hours” the job demanded.    

To attain this, it will prove handy our post about how to find out your best time slots to work.

Assign time and space to keep the sales-wheel running

As a freelancer it is of vital importance to keep the wheel of work running, that is, to ensure that projects and requests keep coming in. Therefore, a good habit is to devote some specific time to sales. It can be at the first hour every morning or on Tuesdays’ afternoons.  The important thing is to have a moment to be focused and entirely devoted to sales. At this time we will be busy on going through the projects offered at Workana, polishing our profile and reviewing past works delivered to clients, and finding out if there is anything else we could provide to them.

Make a check-list

A list of the items on which we are to work during the day is a must. Firstly, a check-list is a reminder of all the things we are to accomplish. Secondly but not least, check this list by the end of the day will enable that we view all our achievements. It is quite common seeing days (or even weeks) passed without keeping 100% in mind how the time just flew. Therefore, a check-list will provide a better understanding of our use of time.

Calendar reminders

These are essential, not only to remind us about specific events but also to manage time keeping them in mind. If we have a meeting on Thursday at 4 pm, one good idea is to set up a reminder not only one hour before it takes place, but also one or two days beforehand. In this way, it is easier to recall that particular moment of the day or week will not be available for other activities.

What other means can be used to organize time effectively?


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