Think video: everything you need to know about video marketing

Did you know that YouTube is one of the world’s largest search engines and the second website with the most traffic, behind only Google? 

YouTube users watch more than 180 million hours of content on Smart TV screens every day. Every minute, 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube.

With this information in hand, it’s easy to understand why creating a video strategy for your next digital campaign becomes a key point in your online marketing strategy.

Videos are quickly progressing and they’ve reached new heights earlier than we thought, and much of this is due to the popularity of social media and the possibility to share videos through many channels.

This trend is fueled by a big share of the companies, who already used this technique through a variety of campaigns and who believe that introducing video in a marketing campaign provides them a good ROI.

You may still have some doubts about whether this is the kind of strategy that is right for your business or even if it’s worth using videos to promote your products.

Our answer to all these questions is a single one: yes, it’s worth it. Not only because many companies are already doing that, but because the video is one of the most versatile and profitable digital marketing tools around.

With the exponential growth of social media, Instagram videos, IGTV videos, the number of online users which don’t stop growing, it’s essential to understand the existing possibilities (and we’re not only talking about vertical or horizontal videos), which means, you need to think video!

Discover 5 reasons why you should think video

1. The video increases your conversions and sales

Add a video on a landing or a sales page, and you can increase your conversions by up to 80%.

The video can also lead the consumer directly to sales. Studies by WordStream in 2018 revealed that companies using video marketing generate an income 49% higher than those who don’t use it.

All of this makes lots of sense because most of the information transmitted to our brain is visual. This is our most dominant sense. If even a good picture increases the engagement, pictures in motion can do much more for your business.

2. The video shows a great ROI

To get you even more excited, in this same study of WordStream it was revealed that videos on a landing page, for instance, increase conversion rates by up to 80%. That means the video ensures a good return on investment (ROI).

Although a large video production still isn’t the easiest nor cheapest task, it pays a lot. Also, online video editing tools and video equipment are constantly improving and becoming more affordable.

Another feature that has been widely used is to produce videos through your own smartphone! With the advancement of technology, they’re able to produce excellent results! It’s the content that matters!

A super produced video with no communication clarity has less impact than a video with lower quality but that explains and conveys the message clearly to the final consumer. 

3. Video builds trust

And trust is the basis for conversions and sales. But building trust should be a goal in itself. The whole concept of marketing should be based on trust and creating long-term relationships. Stop selling and let people search for you, providing interesting and useful information.

This new phase of Digital Marketing requires total focus not only on the content but on trust! Not only in traffic itself, but in engaging the audience that promotes you and shares your content.

And the video does all of that! Video content tends to involve and spark emotions. And when we talk about our “viewers” YouTubers have become the most powerful social media figure to promote your brand. Not to mention that the IGTV has also provided a unique increase in the reach of your profile, and therefore in the knowledge regarding your product or service. If you’re serious about your digital strategy, you should also be serious about video.

Promotional videos can also build trust. Some consumers are still skeptical about buying products and services on the Internet because they fear fraud and crimes. But video content has become an effective way to convey trust.

Optimize your videos on YouTube for SEO. Write interesting titles and descriptions. Add a link to your website, products, and services. Give potential customers ways for them to take the next step and get to know you better. And explore the world of interactive videos, to further encourage reactions.

4. The video explains everything the easy way!

Are you launching a new product or service? Make a video to show how it works. 98% of users said they’ve seen an explanatory video to learn more about a particular product or service. That’s why 45% of companies use this strategy to explain their product.

There are several features you can use, and animation can be one of them! Animation can give life to your product and is a perfect combination of entertainment and simplicity. And it works!

This type of video also works very well in email marketing campaigns. This is a great way to stand out from the competition and share your message.

5. They can be used in several channels simultaneously!

A single video can be used in multiple channels, which further increases their visibility and enhances its reach. The best part: free of charge.

This media is extremely versatile and flexible, allowing the user to watch whenever and wherever they want, provided they have internet access.

Therefore, when creating content, you can now expect it to be shared from any device, be it mobile, a tablet or a laptop.

Take advantage of this and build a campaign of sponsored links to share among: 

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • IGTV
  • Website/Blog or Landing Page
  • Email marketing
  • Commercial or Institutional presentations

Now that we’ve already told you why videos are fundamental in the digital media strategy, discover the types of videos that content creators most use. We’re sure that one of these strategies can be incorporated into your digital campaign still today!


Motivational videos are those able to fill us with inspiration and lessons that help us achieve our goals!

Through these videos, we discover messages of success and overcoming trials, stories that fill us with pride, songs that inspire and motivate us.

The messages should be simple and short, should have a good soundtrack in order to make a big impact. It’s very common to see sports icons or famous actors in this type of content.

Speaking of which, how about you watch this video and get inspired?


Who doesn’t like some funny content and to be entertained for a few minutes during the day? How about using intelligent humor within your marketing strategy?

One of the great features of entertaining videos is that brands can show how trendy they are, they can position themselves and show their style and at the same time present a product or service.

Watch this series of hilarious videos of the Pepsi and Coca-Cola Brands… which are classics:

And there’s also this series: What if Google was a guy


Testimonial videos are those where we can prove how was the experience of a user after using a particular product or service of a company. This adds positive value and directly reinforces branding. The idea is to convey credibility to other users, even for those who don’t know your business, and to strengthen the concept of those who are already consumers.

You can get a testimonial from a customer who is satisfied with your product and is up to talking about why it’s a good idea to do business with you, naming the qualities of your product, service, service and the advantages of your brand in the market.


You know those videos that were just made to be shared? They end up spreading on the Internet and reach millions of views organically.

Viral content emerged with amateur video makers, and brands understood that it was the perfect timing to broadcast their values, contents and the experiences of users with their brands.

They generate great engagement in a short time. There’s a peak in popularity, and they’re named precisely due to this fact! It’s like a virus that spreads from person to person, and soon everyone is playing said video.

The formula of this type of video is made up of a good script + timing + arousing emotions in the audience.

Many of these videos are created by ordinary people in their daily lives, like these:

But brands like WestJet airline reached the milestone of more than 48 million views in a single video that went viral on the internet. If you haven’t watched, watch it now and be moved with how they transformed the Christmas some of its passengers:


Another excellent type of video to be added to  the YouTube channel playlist! It’s the type of content where an expert or authority on a given subject will be talk about everything regarding the subject. This creates sharing and increases the visibility of your name by having your content spread.

One of the most simple to make, it’s not necessary to invest in any major production and basically all you’ll need is a webcam, microphone, Internet access, and of course, a hands-on approach to making great content, preferably those that your audience most wants to know.

The webinar can be done live, with people interacting in a live chat. You can also record it to be used strategically in other media such as email marketing, link baits, and in return for the content, you can capture leads for your business.

Watch this Webinar where Google Hangouts is presented to a certain audience:

DIY Tutorials

These are perhaps the simplest and most popular of all the searches, the famous “How to”. Surely you’ve already watched one or two of them yourself.

For businesses, this is an excellent type of video that helps to answer questions from the general public regarding the products or services they sell.

These tutorials tend to replace the endless instruction manuals that are often difficult to understand.

Here in this tutorial, Apple’s support team shows you how to integrate a control to different devices.

This is also a great content to be used in your YouTube channel, as it can, besides educating the consumer on how to properly use your product, show how much you care in guiding them the right way, teaching your customers the step by step they need.

Think video: the recipe for success!

So? Ready to start your digital strategy and include videos in your campaign?

Now that you know the importance of video in your strategy and the existing solutions, it’s time to combine the ingredients.

And don’t be afraid if you aren’t able to implement a road map, for instance… Here at Workana, you can count on the help of excellent professionals specialized in video scripts, video editors that can transform your media into excellent end products at precisely the correct size to be used in each social network.

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