How do I know which is the best freelance editor for my project?

Are you ready to do as most companies today and outsource the services of a freelance editor from Workana to look after your brand?

Enlarging your work team with a freelancer is a huge step towards productivity.

If you’re willing to hire a professional for either a short-term or a long-term project, below we’ll give you some tips to help you find the most suitable candidate.

Why is content so important?

As regards content, we should understand that it’s one of the fastest-growing areas, receiving the largest investments from marketing specialists all over the world.

This happens because Google is one of the most efficient existing search engine tools, relating brands to its conversions and its sales. At present, 60% of marketing pro’s create at least one entry with content daily, according to eMarketer.

When you create daily “exclusive content”, you can improve your pagerank, and as a result, you’ll get more visits and more visibility.

Besides, long format contents usually provide more and deeper information, which makes them more attractive to the reader “and their value increases”. Your brand value then gets stronger and so does consumer trust, according to research held by Orbit Media Studios.

You can’t forget the boom of social networks that set the market pace today, and the steps you need to take. Consumers demand, communicate and, literally, provide answers to the brands through their opinions and arguments.

We also count on the success of blogs being used by companies to build commitment and help their brands grow. A sample of this is their amazing growth: between May 2011 and October 2018, only on Tumblr platform, there are 441,4 million blogs, as shown by a Statista chart:

Likewise, WordPress platform also revealed a big growth and is now the most popular for business-related blogs, representing over 30% of internet sites, according to W3 Techs.

As we can see, the professional on top of content needs both ability and skills to have greater reach, keep a satisfied client and, at the same time, attract new interested parties to turn them into clients.

For this reason, to pick the ideal freelance editor from Workana, you have to take into account the following:

1.     A clear project description

To begin with, it’s extremely important to be as specific as possible when you start a project. The more details and skills you include in the description, the more and better specific bids you might get from qualified professionals for your project.

Mentioning your business industry, for instance, or providing some details about the platform know-how required from the freelancer, are good methods to find people who can feel identified by the product and are experienced on the subject.

From the freelancer viewpoint, the more they know about a project and the required skills, the more they can know whether they are qualified and up to the challenge.

A work project without details draws the concern of a good freelancer.

Oh! This also applies to cost. Be always very clear about proposed fees and get ready to negotiate, so as to find the most talented professionals. Plus, they love clear projects and appreciate clients who are open to talk about fees.

At Workana you can find professionals for finished jobs, or willing to work on an hourly basis. We recommend the first case for short-term projects. The other is the best choice to keep the freelancer for a longer time working on your project, according to your needs. To have a better understanding of the hourly pay, click here.

2.     Picking an editor

There are plenty of freelance editors available at the platform, all from different places in Latin America and across the world. For this reason, at the beginning it might seem a bit hard to pick one, among the many choices on display, or even picking one from our page Top specialists.

That’s why, always trying to focus on quality, Workana offers its clients some very helpful tools to help in this process of picking the freelance editor that best suits your project.

Freelancer profile

On the profiles of professionals (which can be easily visited just by clicking on their names) you can see previous experiences, companies and pages they’ve already worked with, besides reading the comments and ratings from other clients.

Actually, at the end of a project Workana invites them to assess one another, both client and editor.

When checking their previous ratings, remember to read the comments from other clients, whether the freelancer met the expectations, whether the results were good enough, whether the deadlines were met, etc.

To the right, the detailed experience and main skills of the editor are shown.

Below that information, the client will see the certificates of the freelancer. Workana encourages professionals to prove their skills or know-how on different fields by performing tests in order to grant them those certificates.

These results are shown on the freelancer profile, and the client can check on the knowledge of the professional about a specific topic.

Contacting the freelance editor

At Workana, the client and the freelancer can be connected any time through the platform, quick, guided and safe. It’s essential that all business agreements are made within the platform, for your own safety.

On the chat you’ll see if professionals are online or when they last signed in. Also following safety reasons, Workana sends e-mails with messages to keep freelancers informed if they’ve been contacted by a client.

At the negotiation stage with the freelance editor, these points should be clear:

  • Which social networks are required
  • Which contents will be tackled and which images will be needed
  • Which language is used by your brand to address consumers
  • Which skills and experiences are relevant
  • SEO techniques
  • Delivery deadline for your project

Asking for referrals

Freelancers usually count on portfolios with their past works, such as designers and artists, who use Behance to link their works on their Workana profile.

Anyway, as a client, you can also ask editors to send you writing samples and drafts that they may have written themselves.

For this reason, keeping a fluent communication with your freelancer is very important to a good evolution of your project. This spans from the hiring moment to the delivery of the work.

Good content brings about good results, scope, commitment and success for your brand. That’s why we at Workana will be supporting you to find the best possible freelancer for whatever you might need, especially if related to content.

We expect these tips can help you make a smart choice. Start now and put them into practice right away. To know our content and editing professionals, click here.

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