This is how we live Module 2 of #FreelanceBA!

In Module 2 of #FreelanceBA we learned all about Profile Building and Digital Positioning with Aldana Fiandrino and Carlos Carrascal.  In addition, we had the advice of Pablo Grande, another distinguished member of #WorkanaPartners, and also joined the Workana team (Natalia Welner and Guillermo Bracciaforte) to answer the questions of the attendees and give incredible tips.

It was a dynamic afternoon, where everything happened: there was an exchange of experiences, contacts were made, doubts were clarified and many doors were opened so that more freelancers and independent professionals were better prepared to work remotely. We appreciate the support of Area Tres and Coderhouse in organizing the event ?

If you missed this or the first module, join the #FreelaBA leveling module, where we will review the concepts seen in them. We will be waiting for you on June 29th at the University of Palermo, Buenos Aires. Remember that it is a free event and you will receive a certificate for each module you attend in person or on the web. If you complete the full program (12 Modules) you will have a recognition for your profile at Workana.

Some comments from the attendees…


Take a look at this little summary put together by the production company Bebopnet, which accompanied us recording everything that happened at the meeting:

Mobility, freelancing and remote work are here to stay and more and more professionals are adapting it as a way of life. Furthermore, a recent Microsoft survey shows that more than 40% of people with Internet access in Latin America already work remotely.

“Technology makes it possible. From your home to the airport or even from your favorite vacation spot, you can easily work anywhere. Forget about stress and welcome autonomy, flexibility, productivity, financial savings and of course, work-life balance.”(Digital Nomadism, the New Lifestyle. Pulso Social).

We share some data from the survey published by this means:

  • Only 10% of people like to work in a suit and tie.
  • With the proliferation of mobile devices, only 3% of people do not work outside the office in any way.
  • 46% of people are more productive when working outside the office.
  • 52% of people indicate that it does not matter where they work if they have a good Internet connection.
  • 23% of the companies where the respondents work are zero flexible and require full office hours.
  • One in three workers considers offices as uninspiring places to work.

This data is undoubtedly consistent with the results of our Latin America Remote Working Report, which shows that entrepreneurs and SMEs increasingly rely on talent in the region.

We have searches from all over the world. 63 % of the work projects looking for independent professionals originate in Brazil, followed by Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Chile, Peru, Uruguay and Spain as the only country outside the Americas to be ranked, but one of the many non-Latin American countries looking for talent in the region.

As for freelancers, the majority (36%) also belong to Brazil. Argentina follows with 18%, and then Mexico with 14%. There are other countries with lower percentages, such as Peru, Uruguay, Chile, etc. And 5% occupied by the rest of the countries of the world.

And which areas of work are the most sought-after?

The industries and types of profiles sought are varied. The most popular area of work is Design and Multimedia (32 %) followed closely by IT and Programming (31 %).

Then, but far below, Translation and Content with 14 % and to a lesser extent with 8 % or less: Marketing and Sales, Engineering and Manufacturing, Administrative Support, Legal and Finance and Administration.

You know, independent, remote work is here to stay.

Join #Freela to become an expert freelancer and earn customers: join our Meetup to receive information or register now for the leveling of Module 1 and 2, on June 29th at the UP (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

To start working independently, take a look at the projects published in Workana and apply.

Or you can also launch campaigns like the ones we’re telling you about today: create a project in Workana and hire freelancers to help you develop it.

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