How to build a team of freelancers to make an ecommerce

As an entrepreneur you must be on the internet using social media and promoting yourself on the web. The success of startups lies precisely on their bet on technology as their main ally.

It occurs in the same way with small and medium businesses and even with big scale companies which are aware that being on the web and taking their businesses to the ecommerce scale is the key to success. And this isn’t just a tacit statement; it’s backed up by the market’s behavior during the last few years.

It’s quite clear that you need to consider your ecommerce as your biggest asset, and even if you haven’t joined this world, you should take a look at the sales you could potentially be losing.

Now, taking your business to an ecommerce is not just about saying it. It’s necessary for you to work in the formation and positioning of your business from new terms, where technology is the main asset.

To get there, you’ll need a team of professionals which, guided by your business vision and with the goals established by you, will help you take the leap towards digital commerce, or to improve what you have already began to build.

But, what do you need to create or improve your Ecommerce? Without a doubt, you need a flexible team that understands your ideas and, above all, that allows you to save time and money.

For this goal, there is nothing better than to consider a team built by you and integrated by quality professionals with available time, such as freelancers.

If you have any questions about the advantages that building your own team of different freelancers could bring you, we encourage you to read about its benefits on Workana’s web. Meanwhile, let’s continue explaining how you can create your very own team of experimented freelancers, without having to go to an agency.

What professional freelancers will you need to be successful in the digital commerce world?

Business expert

It’s a common and amateur mistake to assume that you can handle the same strategy on the internet as the one you’re carrying out in your physical store.

In ecommerce, we’re talking about replacing human contact, conventional sales and the same old marketing systems for new strategies; convincing the client to buy something that they’re not touching, as if they could try it on.

This is why it’s so important for your business plan to be oriented towards the market’s behavior, being aware of the investments that will have to be done to take the jump into the web, and what bases your entrepreneurship is counting with.

An important variety of these professionals is awaiting for you in Workana, where you’ll be able to find the one that best fits your vision.


This person will be the responsible for the space where your web will lie on, in the domain of your preference. They will build the space which the designer will then customize and improve. In the words of Luis Sierra for the web Con tu negocio; “the programmer will be the person in charge of designing the source code (…) they will use special algorithms, they’ll code the appropriate programming language and, finally, they will create a program able to be read or viewed on a computer and to obtain the desired result”.

Keeping this in mind, don’t take the importance of finding the correct programmer for granted. Some of the best options are available on Workana.

Web – Oriented Graphic Designer

Your web’s usability has a clear impact in traffic values and its translation to sales. This value of page management has everything to do with the design that it has, and that’s exactly where the designer comes in handy.

In a different article, Luis Sierra for Con tu negocio, talks about designers, clearing out that this task is very different from programming, even though it could be taken care of by the same person.

In his own words; “web designing, different from the platform’s programming, is a much more creative task, it’s crucial that both professionals have knowledge and expertise in web development as well as in design, and that’s why both tasks are carried out in a parallel manner”.

Taking this into account, we shouldn’t believe that any designer can tackle this part of the job. The artistic part of ecommerce is fundamental and you should be sure that it’s in the right hands. For that specific aspect, we recommend you to look here.

WordPress Developer

Let’s begin by answering the question you probably have in mind. Why do I need WordPress for my ecommerce? There are many ways in which WordPress can be your ally, for example, it can become your domain’s home.

And, even though WordPress is a blogging place by excellence, it has amazing easy ways to adapt to almost any use, and the plugins are its best feature.

So, this platform can also be your blog’s home, an interesting way to enhance your ecommerce’s market by creating content that reinforces your sales strategy. And in this scenario, just as in the previous one, having a WordPress expert is a must.

So now, with well applied team work, the business expert and the WordPress expert will guide you into making the necessary decisions which are directly related to your sales strategy and to the path that your digital commerce is on.

Our friends from provide us with a list of 7 reasons that explain really well why and how you could need WordPress in your ecommerce. It’s worthy of checking it out.

Virtual Assistant

Someone has to be on the other side waiting for your clients.

It’s crucial to have someone who’s able to supervise the platforms and the contact sources that you have in your ecommerce; for sales completed and for customer support during the shopping experience as well.

We can use Amazon as an example, which relies on a large net of virtual assistants who are the people responsible of attending your requirements through the web, on cases where you have questions or problems.

When it comes to replies to shopping orders, some ecommerce platforms handle them in an automatic way by using email strategy management and forms. However, especially in the beginning, there’s nothing better than a person behind the screen.

Finding the best freelancer is an important task and in Workana you’ll have a wide range of excellent quality professionals.

Digital Marketing Expert

Imagine if eBay was just there, existing as just another webpage on the internet. How could you possibly know about it and know that it gives you the possibility of buying millions of things on its platform?

It’s necessary that you bet on your business’ marketing, in this case, with the help of digital tools, positioning yourself in different social media and handling SEO strategies.

A digital marketing expert will design and carry out the correct strategy to make your site valuable, and for the desired sales to take place. In Workana you’ll have the possibility of selecting the ideal digital marketing expert for your team and budget.

Community Manager and Writers

Even though they can be optional, they both play an important role in the work team in regards to the business design and the marketing you’re using.

They can both work towards maximizing the digital marketing experience from social media. Writers will create content that allows you to position your brand and to let people know about the products you have to offer, being the ones in charge of the blog, if you decide to create one.

On the other side, let’s remember what the functions of a community manager are, quoting Claudia Hernández, from the TLGCommerce platform, “(…) is the person whose expertise lies on the management and creation of a brand or product’s social communities on the internet.”

Knowing this, you may think that having a community manager as part of the team can make the job of social media positioning a more complete one, which shall translate into visits to the site, and with the correct usability, an adequate business plan and good products, it will all end up in a successful sale.

In Workana you have the possibility to access an excellent catalog of writers and community managers to build your team.

We Guarantee A Great Experience

If you’re still unsure about working remotely with a freelance professional, keep in mind that Workana guarantees the best experience possible. With our secure payment process, if the work you receive doesn’t meet the agreed-upon conditions, you’ll get a 100% refund. In addition, in some membership plans, the Customer Success Manager conducts a rigorous check discussing the time, scope, and deliverables of the project in order to simplify the process for you and eliminate any obstacle that could arise. Finally, at the core of our platform, the rating scale and organization by levels (gamification) require freelancers who want to become a top freelance (Gold+) to keep their status by maintaining a great reputation on the platform by providing clients with amazing work.  

Learn more about what we do so only the best freelancers work on our platform

As an entrepreneur, you should be prepared to adapt to the more and more demanding business world and to the way in how businesses are getting positioned nowadays. Transforming into an ecommerce will avoid your extinction, and you need the best team for that transition.

Counting on a team of freelancers will assure you the possibility of getting, individually, the best talent to build just the team that you need. And, it’s precisely in Workana where you can access to hundreds of professionals, who, with just a click, can become an important part of your project.

The platform’s friendliness and simplicity allows you to manage all those professionals in the same environment and it also offers you tools to monitor their daily work. If you need an ecommerce, having a team of freelancers is the best option you have to be able to carry it out in the most effective way.

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