There is a turning point, that moment on the blank sheet where we don’t know where to begin. We find the project that we love, where we know we can …
Blog Posts
In Module 2 of #FreelanceBA we learned all about Profile Building and Digital Positioning with Aldana Fiandrino and Carlos Carrascal. In addition, we had the advice of Pablo Grande, another distinguished …
One of the basic steps when you are creating your profile at Workana is to define what your skills or abilities are to develop your work. Beyond showing them in …
In Workana, the reputation that one makes as a freelancer is crucial when it comes to submitting a bid and winning a project. Of course, in order to build a …
When starting a project, many entrepreneurs, mainly, with a lot of desire to explore a market of action and that are eager to boost their future online business, end up …
Payments Journal Transpay, the cross-border payment company, announced today that it has been selected by Workana, Latin America’s leading freelancer platform, to pay users in Latin America, Spain and the United States …