According to data compiled by the Growth Everywhere blog, currently at least 20% of the workforce corresponds to remote work teams within the growing digital companies. To give you an …
Author: Workana
Think about your social networks: surely you constantly update them with your best profile picture, your favorite activities, and all the news that happen in your daily life. Now think …
*By Gusmar Sosa I have been working through Workana for just over a year and a half. I have a website with a contact form and a description of my …
Choosing to be a freelancer is not an easy choice but an exciting career path which offers plenty of potentials in terms of financial gain as well as in terms …
Customer experience became the “Ace” in the sleeve of companies that endure and become successful. That’s why having a remote customer service team that guarantees incredible experiences for your clients …
Business Today According to a research conducted by Workana, there were several key freelancing jobs that are high demand in the Malaysian market such Web and App Developers, Designers and …
Sinchew 自由业者平台Workana公布大马三大最高需求自由业者时薪行情,目前时薪最高的是iOS应用程式开发员,为160令吉时薪