Keys to build a good freelancer´s profile in Workana

Have you ever asked yourself about the importance of building a good profile? In this post we’ll talk about the key aspects to keep in mind when creating your online resume.

We don’t want to make a deep and academic analysis on the dos and don’ts, we’d rather make something light and simple that comes in handy for you to know which key aspects are fundamental when it comes to promoting yourself.


Let’s start with a crucial premise: your profile should be as complete as possible, and above all, it should be professional. Your information should be presented in the most clear, simple, precise and concise way. Don’t extend your information with unnecessary elaborate phrases and go straight to what is relevant and specific.

Your profile must be unique, it should make you stand out and it must CONVINCE. Remember: these principles should be your main guide when completing all sections of your profile. With this in mind, let’s continue with the rest of the elements we need to consider.


The language you use must be 100% professional; avoid abbreviations, technical terminology and slang. Also, very important: check spelling and grammar. Make sure that the text is impeccable.

This might seem pretty obvious, but many times these types of errors are still encountered, even in very qualified professionals with years of experience.

Profile Photo

Another very important subject is the profile photo: once again, make sure it is absolutely professional. A picture of you smiling is ideal. Avoid informal, childish or poor quality pictures.


Your goal is to convince, so this means that you have the possibility to make a short description in your profile, and we suggest you explain with details why you’re the perfect candidate for this type of project and what are your main contributions based on your knowledge and experience. Analyze what makes you different and position yourself from there.


It is also pretty important that you specify your Professional Goal, this means, where you want to get to, what your professional plans are, what you’re expecting from the job position or from your future client. By doing so, you’ll be defining your personal motivation.


When describing your Professional Experience, try not to just mention your journey in companies or institutions, but also mention internships, volunteering and special projects. It is key that you highlight what your achievements were in each particular case.

In general, we recommend that you describe only your most recent or relevant experiences, but it will all depend on the type of position you’re applying to and in the way that this will contribute to it.

Always provide true and honest information, and bid for those projects that you’re truly capable of carrying out. Don’t try to lie or to exaggerate your abilities.


Mention all your degrees, including those you may not have completed. In regards to training, it all counts. It’s also good to add your achievements during your profession years, such as prizes, certificates, testimonials from clients you worked for and any other outstanding result.

In regards to specific knowledge like languages, computer training or special skills, highlight the information (and be as specific as you can) according to the project you’re bidding for (if you’re a programmer, you’ll probably highlight details of your computer skills. Whereas if you’re a professional translator you’ll be more specific with the certificates or training you may have in translations).


Another important aspect that helps a lot when completing your profile is to include previous jobs, which is what is commonly called a Professional Portfolio.

It’s a very practical way to showcase your skills and the quality of your work. If you have the chance to complement your profile by adding these examples, don’t hesitate to do it.


Always make sure that your profile is attractive. Don’t forget that in some way or the other, you’re promoting yourself upon your future client.

Express yourself in the best way keeping this advice in mind. Remember: Professionalism above all. The equation is simple: the better the profile, the more opportunities of being hired.

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